Sunday, 30 November 2008

Lighting and Effects From One Short Extract


The lighting that had been used in this short clip from Gothika is Low Key lighting you can see this from the genre of the film telling the audience that it is a Horror movie. A part of the film shows the main actress driving up in her car whilst its raining in the dark she has a car crash and walks out to see a girl standing there, when she sees this girl she is shown to have spotlights on her not showing her identity but you can see her body image making it clear what she is wearing and her gender.

When the camera moves onto the female who is standing in the rain back lighting is shown from the car coming towards her this gives it more of a dramatic effect creating shadows. Flashing lights have been used to make the actors facial expressions seem stronger which also shwo the emotion in them, the car spinning also shows a lighting effect beeing used with the flashing lights being used at the same time making the film seem scary, and top lighting has been used on the actors when they are walking you can see the shadow on their heads again this links back to the genre of the movie.

Lighting And Effects Of Still Image

A Still Image From Gothika..
The lighing that is being used in this still image is Low Key lighting this gives the image more of an effect making it seem strong with dramatic effects. You can see the shadows on the Actors faces from the left side this makes it more effective because you can see parts of the Actors facial expressions, again on the right side of the image it seems darker as the shadows seem to be on that side. As it produces from light and dark lighting giving it more of an effect this is known as Chiaroscuro (From the Italian words for light (chiaro) and dark (oscuro).

Underlighting has also been used you can see this because of the effect coming from the bottom right hand corner as the light reflects stright onto her face making her eyes stand out more, because of this you can tell what the genre of the film is which is Horror as these types of lightings are mainly used in Horror/Thriller and science-fiction films you can see with the underlighing being used that this film is horror. Moreover you can see that back lighting has also been used as from the image there is lighting coming from behind the actor giving some shadows on the back of the actors face which is shown on her hair. Sometimes back lighting makes the actors appear more rounded.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Film Noir Focusing On The Genre`s Distinctive Lighting Style

Facts About "Film Noir"
Films that were made in the early 1940`s (Double Indemnity) through late 1950`s (Touch Of Evil)..
Films are generally shot in Black and White which are on Low Budgets..
Film noir is a cinematic term to describe stylish Hollywood Crime Dramas..

The term Film Noir is (French for "Black Film") which was first applied to Hollywood movies by Nino Frank in 1947.
The main uses of Film Noir are Crime, brutal violence, bizarre plot twists and motivations.
Noir was moved to television in the 1950`s..
It contrast of both Low Key lighting and High Key lighting, giving it an effect from both lightings.
The films were shown in darkness and these included films such as Double Indemnity, Laura, and Murder My Sweet.
It is said that some have argued that Film Noir is more of a genre and others say its its more of a mood or tone.
Characteristics that go with Film Noir.
Neon Signs
Urban Environment
Rain Soaked Streets
Flickering Light Lamps
Films done it Black and White
Criminal Underworld

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Comparison Of The Mise-En-Scene For Three Different Genres..

Three Different Genres (Comedy, Action, Horror)..

..M I S E -- E N -- S C E N E..
I will be seeing the different comparisons between all three of the movies that i have chosen i will be looking at the Mise-en-scenes and how they connect together.
You can see with all three of the still images that their costumes in some ways relate. Only in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" which doesnt show any costume but this seems to be in many Horror movies which they dont show the body images only the facial images of the main characters. From the comedy film and the action film you can see that their clothing is not all shown only their tops ave been shown. I can get a sence of what the movies are going to be about when i look at the clothings in the "Just Friends" you can see that their clothing is casual and they look warm which may show that in the movie it could be set in winter. For "Blood Diamonds" the clothes that they are wearing seem to be scruffy with their shirts onto of their t-shirts.
The lighting that is used in all three of the still images is seen to be low and high key lighting, this is mainly because in the horror and the action film posters it seems as if they have used low key lighting so that the lighting only hits on certain things such as in the horror movie the main characters face has the shadown in it, and the action films lighting is shown on the characters films and the setting at back. Were as in the comedy film it seems as if the lighting is high key because of the uses of light that is being shown all over the poster including the characters and the setting.
The actors shown in all three of the still images are their facial expressions these show the emotions in all three of the films. I will start of by discussing the Horror movie you can see how the facial expression seems strong with the characters face being unusual, secondly the Comedy film shows the facial expressions again being strong with them showing the love and the funny part of them in the still image and lastly in the Action film they seem very into the action and they seem to be concentrating, i can say that they all have some sort of comparison because their given away the genre of the movie and what it may be about.
The make-up that is used in the all three of the still images is showing some sort of comparison in the comedy and the action film they use natural make-up were as in the horror movie the use make up to make the face seem scary and in the comedy they have used make up on the actor to make him look big than he usually is.
Props havent been used in the three still images which gives them a comparison they only have the setting around them which links into their props being used.
The settings used in the thre still images gives you a sense of what the movie is going to be about. The one which shows the most setting is Blood Diamonds which makes it more affective were as the comedy and the horror link because they dont show any of the setting they only show the main characters of the movie.

Still Image Analysis

Analysis Of The Mise-En-Scene..

Costume in this poster has not been shown but i have chosen this poster because of the way it stands out and becomes eye catching as soon as you look at it.
In this poster you can see that Low Key Lighting has been used this is mainly because you can see that all the lighting is being used on the eyes of the main character and creates a dramatic effect with the dark lighting around it makes the film seem more intresting not only that but it also gives away the genre of the film which is Horror/Thriller this makes the film seem more affective.
Only one actor has been shown in this poster it gives you a sence of what the movie may be about you can see that the character does not seem to be a nomal person which makes it seem more affective.
As soon as you look towards this poster the audience can see the make-up on the main character. In this particular poster it shows how the eyes have a dramatuc effect around them you can see the black shadow around the eyes this may have been used to make the eyes seem as if they are the center of attention for this movie. The part of the face that you can see is very dull and pale they have made the face seem extremly light with an effect of a green colour this makes the face seem scary in some ways which again connects back to the genre of the ilm.
They havent shown any main props in this poster but this makes it seem as if the character on the film poster is going to be the key point of the movie which seems more effective.
Again they havent shown the setting of the film or anything that could give away were the film is set and why it may have been set there but i think they have done this so that the film seems to be more dramatic with the effects of the colours that have been used throughout the whole poster.

..Target Audience..
The target audience for this movie is shown to be 15 and over. The reason for this is because the rating for the movie "The Grudge" is shown to be 15 this again shows that the movie is set to be targeted at viewers from the age of 15 and over. I also think this because the movie genre is set to be a horror this means that the younger generation wont be pulled in to watch this movie were as the older generation would.
The genre of the movie is set t be a Horror movie you can tell by this because the poster gives it away this is because the way it has been layed out onto the page from the actors, lighting, costume and etc.
The typograpy used within this poster is very basic they have used the main colours of a horror movie Black and Red this makes the poster seem more effective. They have made the tittle of the film in the colour Red so that it stands out and becomes more effective. In some ways this can become the focal point of this poster.
..What The Film May Be About..?!..
Because of the layout of the film it gives you a sense of what it may be about, you can tell straight away that the film is set to be a Horror movie and the character of thie film is shown to be the focal point which makes it seem more affective the character also makes the film seem scary because the facial expressions given. the tag line that is used "It Never Forgives. It Never Forgets" this also makes you think about what the movie may be about the tag line seems strong and it gets staright to the point which makes it more affective. I think by looking at the film poster makes it seem as if its going to be about some creatures that may affect others lives.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

A British independent Film and Television production company

..Case Study 2..

Revolver Entertainment is one of the biggest UK "All Right" distribution companies. Revolver Entertainment handles both LARGE and SMALL scale films they have said they 2008 will be one of the best years with films that have distributed all over the world. The are specialist in delivering maximum media coverage, with Revolver Books 357 Records. They have produced many types of films even this year one 3D films, they also made Oscar winning movies plus a BAFTA nomination this just shows how well they are doing within producing well given movies for their audience which you can see they seem to enjoy watching.


The films that are coming out for Revolver this year and later on next year are the following --> Female Agents, Savage Grace (These Two films are out NOW) the ones which will be coming out soon are --> The Wackness, Fermat's Room, Just another love story and many more.

"357 Records is a new label from Revolver Entertainment.Having established themselves as a key player in the Home Entertainment, Theatrical and Publishing industries Revolver have chosen to take their retail distribution expertise and award winning Marketing and PR campaign experience and apply them to the record industry.The premise of the new record label is simple – to produce and release the very best Movie Soundtracks on the market. 357 Records will also be actively searching for new artists and new material to release on the label."
From here you can see that KiDULTHOOD was given from the Revolver Entertainment and this was one of its first releases you can see when you enter there site it is shown that kidulthood was given the 357 records.

Institution Case Study

..Case Study 1..

Pathe was founded in Paris as Société Pathé Frères on September 28th 1896. Pathe had become one of the biggest film equipment and production companies. Charles pathe was the one who established pathe with his brothers, in 1896 Mitchell Mark New York was the first American to import Pathe films to the United States they were shown in the Vitascope Theater which because a massive hit and now has become something which is world wide for everyone to enjoy. It was then take to London in 1902 which again made a good hit in the United Kingdom, by 1909 pathe bult over 200 theaters this is were there films were all shown.They have had over 3,500 hours of video, 12 Million still images, 75 years of entertainment.

The British Pathe was owned by the Daily Mail and the General Trust Group. In 1935 Pathe went bankrupt which became a downfall for them but still over the years they have brang themselves up and done well over all the final outcomes. Pathe also owns is own cable television and satellitie television.

The latest films that Pathe is about to release are known as the following--> The Duchess and The Fox and The Child and many more these again for Pathe will become a big hit because of the way they have been distributing over the last century or so.
"By the time Pathe finally stopped producing the cinema newsreel in 1970 they had accumulated 3500 hours of filmed history amounting to over 90,000 individual items."

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Peer Assessment of Trailer Analyses

Natasha. . .
"The Mise En Scene Also Plays A Substantial Part In This Short Film. This Is Because It Enables The Audience To See The Type Of Setting The Film Is Set In And What Is Going On Around The Places Curtis Is In, Rather Than Focusing On What He Is Going Through, This Also Shows People That Are Going Through What Curtis Is Going Through, Whether Or Not They Are In The Exact Same Position As Him. The Main Make up Used in This Film Was Done in Order to Gain Bruises on Curtis’s Face from the Bruising That Manish Had Left Him."

The Mise En Scene also plays a substantial part in this short film. This is because it enables the audience to see the type of setting, it gives the audience a sense of what the film is about and what will be happening through out the trailer. This also shows what is happening around the main actor in this film “Curtis” in other cases the audience can relate to the situation he is being put in this grabs the audience’s attention and makes them want to keep on watching the rest of it. The Make up used in this film makes it seem more realistic not only that but it makes the film seem more eye catching, the bruises can also give away what the film is about (Violence/Bullying) again others may be able to relate to the same situation.

WWW -->
Good Use Of Media Terminology
Explained Main Points
Good Understanding
EBI -->
More Information
Talk About The Audience More

Jaspal. . .
"The costumes which the actors wear in the trailer are normal clothes which teenagers living in west London wear, showing how anyone can be affected by bullying, as the girl in the trailer is a normal teenager, but she is picked on and made to feel different. The actors themselves are young aged teenagers in 6th form to relate to the plot of the trailer. The setting of the trailer is in Greenford 6th form to show everyone that even people who are about to become young adults can be affected by bullying, and that this stuff happens when there are hundreds of other people around but nobody notices."

The costumes that the actors are wearing throughout the trailer gives the audience a sense of what role they will play in this film. You can see that the actors are wearing everyday clothing which includes t-shirts, jeans, jumpers and so on this makes it seem realistic not only that but the audience can also relate to this film, this is mainly because you can see how the clothing they are wearing is something which a teenager would wear which connects them to the film. The setting of the trailer is set at Greenford High School this again also lets the audience relate to the trailer more because it shows how teenagers tend to get bullied without anyone noticing what is going on around them, this also makes it more effective and grabs the viewers attention.

WWW -->
Good Use Of Media Terminology
Explained Well
EBI -->
Talk About The Audience More
Link The Points Given Together A Little More

Kiran. . .
"There is some editing in the trailer. There is alot of use of fade. This is done to change from clip to clip. also in some bits, it is used to change from writing on the screen to action from the film, for example in the begining of the trailer, short sentances are written to tell us about the film, and short clips from the film are shown as well, this is to give us information on what the film is about, and makes the trailer appear more organised, with the use of fade."

In this trailer some editing has been used which makes the trailer more effective. Fade has been used through out some of the clips in the trailer by it being on a certain part of the clip and then it changes to another this grabs the viewer’s attention because it seems interesting to keep on watching. It is also used to change the writing in the trailer to action this is used at the beginning of the trailer which indicates what the film is about you can also tell that the short sentences that are given give you a introduction on what the film will be about.

WWW --> Main Points Given
Linked Points Together
EBI -->
Spelling and Punctuation
--> Explain the Points More

Friday, 7 November 2008

"Face Of Fear" Analysis

There are several features that make “Face of Fear” an interesting trailer. Many parts of this trailer can appeal to a wide range of audience, firstly you can see that the people who will be attracted to watching this movie will be people who enjoy watching horrors/thrillers not only that but I personally think that a more variety of people will also watch this movie as the trailer is eye catching to watch. This movie is about a group of friends who turn by turn are getting attacked by the villain in the trailer; it shows in graphic detail of everything that is happening within it this will include the camera movement, sound, editing, costume, lighting, and make-up with these key factors this is what makes Face of Fear a trailer to remember.

The camera movements in this trailer are used in many different ways they have used the wide variety of camera movements in their trailer. At the starting of the trailer they have used the “Warner Bros Pictures” which shows that the film will be good because it has that at the starting of it which is a successful company. At the starting of the trailer they use the long shot movement this is so they you can see the whole of the background and were it is set this gives the audience a feel on how the movie will be like. They also use the long shot effect on the characters because this shows were they are and what they are doing you can see how the camera moves in on them whilst they are walking in the dark the setting looks like they are in some kind of forest which makes the horror genre seem more realistic. I think that one of the best parts is about 45 seconds into the movie were they zoom up on the moon this gives it an interesting affect which again links it back to the genre of the movie.

In most the movie they tend to use the long shot affect I think they have done this because they want the audience to see the setting around them this makes it more eye catching to keep on watching. Close up shots are used to show the facial expressions of the characters this emphasises what role they play within the movie, an example of this in the trailer is half way threw the trailer were it shows the actress “Nafisa” who is one of the friends tears dropping from her eyes this shows her emotions and how she is scared which again links back to the genre of the movie.The movements that are used in this are things such as zoom you can see them zooming into the characters facial expressions and on the setting around them.

The sounding that they have used in this trailer is mostly Non Diegetic, i think that they have done this to create more of an effect which grabs the audiences attention makinging them want to finish watching the trailer to watch the whole movie. They have music playing in the background through out most of the trailer with sounds of beats making it more tense as if someones heart is racing, they have also used rock/metal music which makes it seem more dramatic. Not only that but they have the odd parts were someone is speaking such as when one of the actors quote "Hello, Hello" making it seem a suspence trying to figure out who is there.

The editing of the movie makes it seem more dramatic with the effects they have used through out the whole trailer such as wipe were one second you see a scene and after another second its set on someone else. This makes it more effective by grabing the audiences attention. The Mise-en-scene is shown through out the trailer, the costumes that have been chosen in this particular trailer are normal everyday outfits, this gives it the sense that its not aimed to be non real but trying to make it feel as if it is real showing that the clothing is the same that the audience may wear. The lighting through out the trailer is set in the dark this gives it more of a feel to show you that it is a horror/thriller with the lighting being only set in the dark this makes it more effective and in a way scary.

You can see the actors facial expressions in the trailer and also their body language when the camera zooms close onto the actors faces you can see the fear in their eyes and their body language showing what part they must play in the movie, with being thrown into a wheal barrow and getting petrol poured onto the actors this also gives a sense of fear towards the movie. The make-up on the actors make it seem very realistic you can see on one of the main actors "Rajan" the way he has dark bruises on his face making it seem more realistic this will also make the audience want to watch the whole movie.

The name of the movie is given to us at the end of the trailer i think by doing this it leaves the viewers wondering what it may be called and having to figure out what it is about, because in most movies the name gives away what it is about were as here they havent doen thsi giving you a sense of suspence through out the trailer untill the end, i think because of this it makes it more effective. I think that this trailer will be rated 15 because of the violence shown in it, and it may be shown after the watershed (9.00pm) which again will be because of the violence.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Broadcast Fiction Test - Presentation

Theme--> *Comedy*
[Film] . . .American Pie. . .

"Four Teenage Boys Enter A Pact To Lose Their Virginity By Prom Night" ^ ^

[TV Series] . . . Friends. . .

"The Lives, Loves, And Laughs Of Six Young Friends Living In Manhattan" ^ ^

[Radio Drama] . . . BBC Radio 7- Little Britain . . .

The Three Texts That I Have Selected Are American Pie (Film), Friends (TV Series) And Little Britain (Radio Drama). Each Text Is Linked To One Another As There All Connected To Comedy. Therefore, The Target Audience Are People Who Are Into Humour. However, Each Text Is Amusing In Different Ways. The Similarities Between The Three Texts Is That They Each Contain Some Sort Of Sexual Reference. This Is What American Pie Includes The Most, For The Movie To Have Become A Success. However, Friends Includes Different Type Of Comedy, Which The Audience Are Able To View Through Specific Characters. This Is Also The Same With Little Britain.

The Three Texts Differ From One Another As “American Pie” Is Aimed At People From The Age Of 15 Onwards. This Is Due To The Inappropriate Images And Language Used In The Film, Which Would Not Be Suitable For The Younger Audience. However, The TV Series “Friends” Is Aimed At People From The Age Of 12 And Onwards. On The Other Hand, The Radio Drama “Little Britain” Is Aimed At Everyone As It Is Presented At 3.30 And 10.30. Therefore, All Age Groups Are Able To Tune In.

Promotion . .
American Pie Is Promoted By The UNIVERSAL PICTURES. The Film Was Advertised At The Cinemas, Before The Films That Were Rated 15. This Is Because, The Audience Viewing The Films Rated 15 May Also Have Been Interested In Watching This Movie, Therefore, This Was A Way To Grab A Wider Audience. Moreover, It Was Advertised As Posters And On Internet Pop Ups. American Pie Was Also Advertised On Television, Therefore, The Film Was Very Popular Since A Lot Of People Went To Watch It.

Friends Is Distributed By The Warner Bros Television And Is Promoted Through Television And The Internet. Through Television, It Is Mainly Advertised In The Evening, So The Target Audience Get A Chance To View The Advertisement.

Little Britain Is Produced By BBC. As A Result, It Is Advertised On All BBC Radio Stations. Due To The Fact That There Are A Lot Of BBC Radio Stations, Little Britain Gets Advertised Often Making Certain It Grabs The Audience Attention. The Distributor For Little Britain Is BBC Radio 7. They Have There Own Homepage With Appropriate Details, Such As The Scheduling, As To When The Radio Drama Is Going To Be Played. Moreover, Little Britain Was Also Promoted Through Online Games And Competitions, To Grab More Of The Audience Attention.
Therefore, The One Thing Each Text Has In Common Is That They Were All Promoted Through Sites On The Internet.

Monday, 3 November 2008


v ..A Rappers Ambition.. v

.. Setting ..
The setting of "A Rappers Ambition" is shown to be set in street corners where it shows them having MC battles, studios are also used this is set with the name of the film showing that it is to do with music, another place that this trailer has been shot in is on the train, this shows the struggling life style of a rapper who is trying to fulfill his dream in West London.

.. Sound ..
The sound that is being used in this trailer is shown to be a fast and slow beat, no voice overs have been put towards this trailer. The beat of the trailer goes with the whole theme this is mainly because at certain times if someone is talking the beat will start to slow down were as where they have been shown having their MC battles no sound has come out accept the beat which goes faster through out the production.

.. Clothing ..
The clothing that has been used in this trailer is casual every day clothings these will include the following which are; Hoodies, Jackets, Trainers and Jeans. This also reflects on the actors and what their roles are during the trailer.

.. Camera Shots ..
There have been various Camera shots that have been used in this trailer, the main one that has been used through out the trailer are the close up shots this also shows the facial expressions on the actors faces, they seem to zoom in near the mounth showing them speakng at faster speeds. Long shots are also provided showing the clothing of the actors and the setting around them so that the audience have an idea of where it has been set and gives you a little more information about the movie it self.

.. Language ..
The language that is being used in "A Rappers Ambition" is mostly slang this can also reflect on them living in West London, it also gives you an indication on how old they are.

.. Lighting ..
The lighting in the trailer has been used during the day and in the evening this also gives you an idea of the genre of the movie.

.. Timing ..
The timing of the trailer is great, this is hwo long it should be they have given you the main points and information about the movie therefore they have put the trailers to be 2.06mins long.

.. Institutional Values ..
This trailer is based on a rapper who is trying to fulfill his dream, they show the problems that can occur during the process of a young rapper trying to fulfill his dream in West London, it indicates the problems such as money can become a problem during this situation. It can also inform the younger audience on how you should try your best to get were you want and try and over come the obstacles that come in your way during this process.
