Monday, 3 November 2008


v ..A Rappers Ambition.. v

.. Setting ..
The setting of "A Rappers Ambition" is shown to be set in street corners where it shows them having MC battles, studios are also used this is set with the name of the film showing that it is to do with music, another place that this trailer has been shot in is on the train, this shows the struggling life style of a rapper who is trying to fulfill his dream in West London.

.. Sound ..
The sound that is being used in this trailer is shown to be a fast and slow beat, no voice overs have been put towards this trailer. The beat of the trailer goes with the whole theme this is mainly because at certain times if someone is talking the beat will start to slow down were as where they have been shown having their MC battles no sound has come out accept the beat which goes faster through out the production.

.. Clothing ..
The clothing that has been used in this trailer is casual every day clothings these will include the following which are; Hoodies, Jackets, Trainers and Jeans. This also reflects on the actors and what their roles are during the trailer.

.. Camera Shots ..
There have been various Camera shots that have been used in this trailer, the main one that has been used through out the trailer are the close up shots this also shows the facial expressions on the actors faces, they seem to zoom in near the mounth showing them speakng at faster speeds. Long shots are also provided showing the clothing of the actors and the setting around them so that the audience have an idea of where it has been set and gives you a little more information about the movie it self.

.. Language ..
The language that is being used in "A Rappers Ambition" is mostly slang this can also reflect on them living in West London, it also gives you an indication on how old they are.

.. Lighting ..
The lighting in the trailer has been used during the day and in the evening this also gives you an idea of the genre of the movie.

.. Timing ..
The timing of the trailer is great, this is hwo long it should be they have given you the main points and information about the movie therefore they have put the trailers to be 2.06mins long.

.. Institutional Values ..
This trailer is based on a rapper who is trying to fulfill his dream, they show the problems that can occur during the process of a young rapper trying to fulfill his dream in West London, it indicates the problems such as money can become a problem during this situation. It can also inform the younger audience on how you should try your best to get were you want and try and over come the obstacles that come in your way during this process.
