Sunday, 23 November 2008

Comparison Of The Mise-En-Scene For Three Different Genres..

Three Different Genres (Comedy, Action, Horror)..

..M I S E -- E N -- S C E N E..
I will be seeing the different comparisons between all three of the movies that i have chosen i will be looking at the Mise-en-scenes and how they connect together.
You can see with all three of the still images that their costumes in some ways relate. Only in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" which doesnt show any costume but this seems to be in many Horror movies which they dont show the body images only the facial images of the main characters. From the comedy film and the action film you can see that their clothing is not all shown only their tops ave been shown. I can get a sence of what the movies are going to be about when i look at the clothings in the "Just Friends" you can see that their clothing is casual and they look warm which may show that in the movie it could be set in winter. For "Blood Diamonds" the clothes that they are wearing seem to be scruffy with their shirts onto of their t-shirts.
The lighting that is used in all three of the still images is seen to be low and high key lighting, this is mainly because in the horror and the action film posters it seems as if they have used low key lighting so that the lighting only hits on certain things such as in the horror movie the main characters face has the shadown in it, and the action films lighting is shown on the characters films and the setting at back. Were as in the comedy film it seems as if the lighting is high key because of the uses of light that is being shown all over the poster including the characters and the setting.
The actors shown in all three of the still images are their facial expressions these show the emotions in all three of the films. I will start of by discussing the Horror movie you can see how the facial expression seems strong with the characters face being unusual, secondly the Comedy film shows the facial expressions again being strong with them showing the love and the funny part of them in the still image and lastly in the Action film they seem very into the action and they seem to be concentrating, i can say that they all have some sort of comparison because their given away the genre of the movie and what it may be about.
The make-up that is used in the all three of the still images is showing some sort of comparison in the comedy and the action film they use natural make-up were as in the horror movie the use make up to make the face seem scary and in the comedy they have used make up on the actor to make him look big than he usually is.
Props havent been used in the three still images which gives them a comparison they only have the setting around them which links into their props being used.
The settings used in the thre still images gives you a sense of what the movie is going to be about. The one which shows the most setting is Blood Diamonds which makes it more affective were as the comedy and the horror link because they dont show any of the setting they only show the main characters of the movie.
