Sunday, 30 November 2008

Lighting And Effects Of Still Image

A Still Image From Gothika..
The lighing that is being used in this still image is Low Key lighting this gives the image more of an effect making it seem strong with dramatic effects. You can see the shadows on the Actors faces from the left side this makes it more effective because you can see parts of the Actors facial expressions, again on the right side of the image it seems darker as the shadows seem to be on that side. As it produces from light and dark lighting giving it more of an effect this is known as Chiaroscuro (From the Italian words for light (chiaro) and dark (oscuro).

Underlighting has also been used you can see this because of the effect coming from the bottom right hand corner as the light reflects stright onto her face making her eyes stand out more, because of this you can tell what the genre of the film is which is Horror as these types of lightings are mainly used in Horror/Thriller and science-fiction films you can see with the underlighing being used that this film is horror. Moreover you can see that back lighting has also been used as from the image there is lighting coming from behind the actor giving some shadows on the back of the actors face which is shown on her hair. Sometimes back lighting makes the actors appear more rounded.
