Stephen Weismasser ABC, quoted "you arent going to turn passive consumers into active trollers on the internet".
In 1948 ABC was broadcasted and became the third major network, they have been going for 60 years now and have had 1.5 million hours of programming wereas Youtube has produced more in the last 6 months with out producers just us basically anyone who has posted anything onto Youtube.
What on Youtube:
- 9232 hours/day, 385 always on Tv channels
- 200,000 videos that are 3 minutes long. (Not mass media)
- 88% content is new and original
2:00 Numa Numa and celebration of Webcams.
Numa Numa was a video that was created and became a big hit in 2003, some people say it was viewed over 600,000 million times. The video was broadcasted all over the globe and also hit the news headlines it went on to the todays show.
Febuary 2005 it had just been created. On April 23rd 2005 was when the first videos were posted by 3 men. Before it use to be difficult to post videos onto Youtube but now everyones doing it there has been over 58,000 views made on the Numa Numa video. P
People made there own Numa Numa videos by using webcam this became a new way to connect to people and now millions of people around the world are doing just this.
5:53 The machine is Us/ing us and the new mediascape.
(He created his own video) Micheal Wesch thought about what it meant to move from text on paper to digital text, its not only about information but about linking people in ways we have never been linked before because now is changing and now every 6months theres a new tool to connect people in.
It went onto, more people can watch it. It also went on people started tagging the videos which bookmarks it. This is called "User generated Organization".
he also became number one and it was translated into different languages within a short period of time.
12:16 Intorducing our Research team.
In the last 2 years 10 students every spring get together. They watch videos and write about them this is then reported onto the data base stystem.
12:56 Who is on Youtube?
- 25% of the people are 35 and over.
- 25% of the people are 12-17 year olds.
- 12% are children
- 18-24 and 25-30 are the strongest (who have posted videos)
- 18-25 are in over 50% of the videos.
13:25 Whats on Youtube? Charlie bit my finger, Soulja Boy etc.
A couple of things that are on youtube and key points:
- YOUTUBE DOT THEME SONG by Irving Fields (92 year old male.)
- Most commonly uploaded videos on Youtube are homevideos most are veiwed less than 100 times.
- Charlie bit my finger was viewed over 30million times.
- it was redone and remixed over 2,000 times.
- Approximately 15% of videos on youtube are remixes or remakes of other videos.
- Soulja Boy was remade and shown around the globe. People who re made them were (Prisoners, High school students, teachers, cartoons) etc..
- when Soulja Boy was made they show how it was made in the video (its the new media) and was 7 weeks at the top of the billboards.
17:04 5% of vids are personal Vlogs addressed to the Youtube community, Why?
Almost 10,000 videos are addressed to Youtube "Community" every day.
People so this because they would like the Youtube users to know what is happening around us in the world.
17.30 Youtube to context. The loss of community and networked individualism (Wellman)
Women joined the work force there wasnt much time for them to spend with there families.
They moved from small grocery stores were the mojority of communities would shop in big supermarkets.
Barry Wellman made a statement saying "From place to place to person to person connectivity" he called it "Networked Individualism".
18.41 Cultural inversion; individualism and community.
Individualism.. Independance.. Commercialization
Community.. Relationships.. Authenticity
Youtube comes in this, what we see in youtuve is shaped by this. Robert Putnom commented in 1995 "My hunck is that meeting in an electronic forum is not the equivalent of meeting in a bowling alley.
19.15 Understand new forums of community through participant obeservation.
Micheal Wesch agreed with Robert Putnams statement above. He said experience the phemenon of participant observation you have to understand.
21.18 youtube as a meduim for community
Micheal and his students went to the idea that media changes human relations. How to communicate the students did investigations. they can talk to someone but you dont know who it is.
23.00 Our first Vlogs
Micheal Wesch says that its difficult to make the videos it can be wierd because it seems like you are talking to youself. So people dont really know what to say.
25.00 The webcam: Everybody is watching nobody is ("Content Collapse")
People say its like everyone is watching but you cant see who it is on the otherside.
When making it they can look at there idenitity and they can play replay. We can see how it looks to others we see there judgement through other eyes.
26.05 Re cogintion and new forms of self awareness (McLuhan)
Peope normally say that when creating their Vlogs there not thinking of themselves as the way they appear to others. So there not seeing themselves the way others are. When Marshall Luhal talked about re-cognition and new reforms of self awareness he said that all events recorded are being replayed.
27.58 The anonymusly o watchig youtubes: haters and lovers.Were anonymous people cant see us when we watch it. A statement made; Some of the comments on youtube make you weep for the futur of humanilty just for the spelling done, never mind the obscenity and naked hatred.
How they sat it links anonymity + physical distance + Rare + ephemeral dialougue = hatred as public performance.
29.53 Aesthetic Arrest
People become overwhemled with the people infront of them. They have a deep connection threw youtube, because in reality it wont happen because you cannot stare.
30.25 Connection without constrait
It becomes a cultural tensions and connection. Somewere of conncetion without constraint youtube offers this possibility. We see on youtube people connectivity very deeply.
"Media do not just distance us they connect us in different ways that can sometimes that distance allows us to connect more deeply then ever before.
32.35 Free Hugs; A hero for out medialated culture.
People said to themselves that youtube was about free hugs a man called Juan Mann came up with this. He brang anonymous people together for a free hug. people all over the world started doing this.
34.02 Youtube Drama; Striving for popularity.
The only way to be seen is to make a video that people will want to watch. to get more veiws and to be placed best rated and most viewed.
34.55 An early star: emotizid21okio
He had set up a Vlog and when a girl viewed his profile it bcame an online love story it was veiwed by many people.
On 26th April 2006- it was shown that he was a fake and lived in Rugby, they found out on his myspace profile.
36.55 Youtubes Anthenticity crisis: the story of lonelygirl15
She started Vlogging in june 2006, in a matter of weeks she was youtubes second most subscribed, however debate soon sparked amongst youtubers regardubg her authenticity. People got very anrgy over this.
39.50 Reflection on authenticity
People say that they no longer no what is real on youtube and they dont trust it anymore.
41.54 Gaming the system/exposing the system
People start putting thumbnail to get more viewings so they put sexy images so more people will click onto them.
43.37 Seriovlsy playful participatory media culture.
You never no were a camera is to be captured on one and it to be onto youtube.
Any remixing is illegal.
47.32 Newtworking production; The collabmats the message and the message of youtube
People started writing on there hands because MadV said to show it. Uts linked back to webcams and instead of saying it you can connect in different ways (strong values).
49.29 Poem; The little glass Dot, the eyes of the world.
The poem is talking about the webcam being the eye of the world. Behind the glass is everyone you no your loved ones and even the people you dont no. This is a way to connect in many ways its the eye of the world.
51.15 Conclusion by bnessell973
what he said.. Some people say that the videos made on Youtube are created for the hepes to change the world. But for me it is a way to live again.