What is Web 2.0..
Web 2.0 is a World Wide Web, it is mainly used by people aged from 16 and over. You can also create your own Blogs and communicate with others this can include Facebook, Myspace and Youtube. It has over 80,000,000 sites to browse from. The internet connection is fast and easy which means that it will benefit us the consumers because its quicker and easier to use.
What Is Web 1.0..
Web 1.0 has a slower dial up connection for the internet which therefore does not benefit the consumers. The only way that people could communicate to others is mainly from emails, they dont have many sites that consumers could browse through whereas Web 2.0 does. It was also used to describe the web before .com.
How Does Web 2.0 Affect Me..
Web 2.0 affects me in mainy ways mainly because i can communicate with others around me , i do this by using sites such as MSN and Facebook there are also mainy other sites that people can use such as Myspace, Bebo and etc... Newer sites such as Youtube are another way to communicate to others by sharing videos around the world. Another way that it affects me is i can create my own Blogs.