Monday, 27 October 2008

Self Evaluation

Attainment (1)
I put my attainment as 1 which is excellent i did this because I try and acheive the best I possiably can i each one of my lessons.

Effort (2)
For my effort i have put my self as a 2 which is very good i did this because i think i try my best effort in my lessons.

Punctuality (1)
I have given myself a 1 for punctuality because have attended all but one media lessons and i have only been late once which i will try and avoid in the future.

Submisson and Quality of Homework (1)
I have given myself a 1 for submission and quality of homwork because my homework is always handed in on time and the quality of my homework is at a good standard because i have acheived my merits from the different homeworks that have been set.

Ability to work Independently (3)
I have given myself a 3 to work independently because i can say that i easily get distracted and i work better in groups because i enjoy doing the task set instead of doing it on my own, even though i get distracted i always make sure that I complete the task set.

Quality of Writing (2)
I dont think that my quality of writing is excellent and i dont think its poor so i have given myself a 2 because i try my best, however I do need to improve on this so that I can pul it up to a 1.

Organisation of Media Folder (1)
I think that the organisation of my media folder is excellent because and notes, homework, sheets are always put into my folder and there set to date, i have also split Mr Bush and Ms Holidays work separetly.

Oral Contributions in Lessons (3)
I have given myself a 3 for contributions in lessons mainly because i dont contribute in lessons as much as i should, if I get asked a question in lessons i try and answer the question even if I dont know the answer. In the future i will answer more questions so i can pull it up to a 2 or 1.
