Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Progression Report
I think that coursework such as the Media Productions are going very well so i dont think that i need to improve in any way. I need to iomprove on my ability to write and this can be shown through my essays and even my blog work.
By doing the above i will hopefully be able to change my grade to a B again.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Key Concepts - Audience
There are many ways in which a person can come across some type of media form these can include waking up and listening to the radio, playing a walkman/iPod, watching television/film, going past a billboard on the street. It is seen that people are getting manipulated into buying products through advertising and this is mainly because of the persuasive text that they are seeing through the advertising such as the above. Some types of media may influence people’s behaviour in different ways and this can mean that a person can become violent over something they see from any media text, in other cases it can be seen that the media can do this is the other direction and work towards a good way.
Historical Background
What we call as “The Media” is seen as recent inventions. From the media being what it is today it is seen that people made their own entertainment through the media when the media was developed in a way as it is today this was seen that people would do things in which entertained them such as reading or socialising with others. Now that media has developed in many ways this also gives the worry to the parents or children such as they tend to play video games, portable televisions and so on this therefore means that they tend to stay and their attention is more likely to stay on these instead of going out. Good outcomes can also come from this such as people are tend to go closer because their more likely to do things together.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
NBS - Next Best Step
From the clip that i have chosen some editing has been shown this has made the clip seem more intresting as the viewers will start to question the way certain parts have been done which will therefore create an enigma drawing in suspence and danger. Another way in which an enigma is created is trhough the different shots that have been selected for the scene this is because it is seen that the directors have chosen to stick to using big close ups and close ups which means that the audience will start asking questions to why they have done this. Again this will also grab the viewers attention making them look clearly into the props that have been zoomed in on. Zooming into the props such as the purse and the hands creates suspence around the situation from this i mean that the detail on the hand movements is being shown for a reason the directors may want to show the veiwers that the hand is from a male and this may link back to something that happens later on in the movie which again is a sense of danger.
Self Evaluation
Effort (1) I have recently been trying to improve my effort and i tend to listen to others discussions in order to help myself improve.
Punctuality (2) I have only been late the once and i will try to avoid this happening in the future so that i can pull it up to a 1.
Submission and Quality of Homework (1) My homework is always handed in on time and i have put my best effort into my homework in order to acheive the best.
Ability to work independently (2) I think that from my last self evaluation i have improved in this area as before i use to get distracted from others in my class were as now i try hard to put my head down and work around the situation.
Quality of writing (2) Mt quality of writing is not the best but is not to bad i still have areas in which i should be improving on and i am learning from my mistakes mad in previous lessons and homeworks by taking in the feedback given from my teachers.
Organisation of Media folder (1) My Media folder has always been organised and i think that it will stay that way through out the year as i make sure that everything is up to date and both teachers work are split in two different sections with my blog work from both teachers at the front.
Oral contributions in lesson (3) I think that my oral contributions are one of my main areas to work on. I have improved from my last evaluation but still need to improve, i tend to listen to others (students and teachers) because i think it helps me more.
Contribuations to my practical production group (1) So far i have put my best effort in as for powerpoint presentations and posters which we have to present to the class i have helped an equal amount and we have all made sure that the work is done. We have been working well as a group in order to produce the best.
*Organisation for the lesson and has recently been trying to improve more on my essays.
*Should contribute a little more.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Film Language - Hostel ||
In this essay I will be looking at my chosen film “Hostel ” with this I will be linking it to the different aspects of film language. I have chosen to analyse the first 2-3 minutes of the starting of the film I have chosen this part of the film mainly because I think that the starting of any film always gives away how the movie will be and the starting is always the most interesting. There are many different ways of film language these will include mise-en-scene, lighting, sound, cinematography and editing.
Firstly I will start by looking at the mise-en-scene with this I will be looking clearly into the different aspects of mise-en-scene. As you can see from the setting of the clip of hostel that I have chosen not much of the scene is able to see because of the layout and the lighting that they have used in this particular clip. But from the props and the lighting you can tell that the setting of the film is in a dark room which doesn’t seem like a known area. The props that have been used through out the clip are documents of different kinds and by this I mean photographs, credit cards, driving licences and so on with these props they emphasize what the movie may be about by this I mean that the props show of the movie in a way such as a thriller because of the detailed props that have been used. I have chosen to do Hostel mainly because the starting of the film will link back to Hostel as you have to carry on the movie from part one so it’s more understandable to take this one and link it back to the film language.
The colouring that has been used in the clip that I have chosen are dark colours making them seem more brutal and effective because of the dark
colours you can see that they give u an idea of what the film may be about and dark colours such as blacks, browns, red and dull colours are always used In horrors and thrillers were as in lighter colours such as baby blues, whites and yellows are usually used in romance and comedy films this is mainly for setting the scene of the film.
Lighting in this particular clip on the film is shown to be low-key lighting you can see this because the lighting in the scene is all darkened out meaning the director was going for a dramatic affect. Therefore this will link back to the genre of the film this is because directors tend to use the low-key lighting for horror/thriller movies and as Hostel is a thriller you can that the right type of lighting has been used. In some parts of the clips it is shown that filler lights and back lighting has been used. The lighting reflects the danger that my occur in the rest of the movie making it seem more interesting and eye catching.
The filler lightings have been used on certain objects to give an affect of softer shadows, several filler lightings have been used at once in some stages of the clips and I think they have done this again to create some type of effect not only for the movie but this also gives an effect on the audience and because
of this it makes it seem more dramatic grabbing the attention of the viewers because by using the low-key lighting they put the attention onto the props and this means that the viewers will have to look closely at the different props to understanding what is going on this means that there full attention will be towards the film it self. Back lighting was used on some props behind them making them seem bigger with the shadows evolving not only that but to leave the viewers wondering what the prop is by only seeing certain parts of the object(s). Also lighting that you see such as the fire the bright light coming from there the viewers cant tell that the director has put that there but its been done to create an affect.
Costumes have not been shown in the clip that u have chosen I think that was because the director has chosen to give a sense of suspense this makes the clip that I chose to seem more interesting and it also makes the audience want to watch the film to see what will happen through out it, because the director chose not to show any clothing in the scene this means that the viewers will be seeing only props and parts of the body such as the hands. This also means that no facial expressions were used within the clip and the only part of body language that had been used in the clip was the hand movement which was only shown for a couple of seconds when the hand is holding a prop.
From the movements that are going on there becomes a build up of how the narrative might develop and from the chosen clip I think that you can see how the props and the detail on when the camera zooms in on the images you can tell from the first part of the film what is going on. You can see this because of the props and you have an understanding on how the narrative will develop and you know the things that will be happening in the film and it makes it seem more tense because the actors don’t know what is going to happen to them next were as you (the viewers) do know what will be happening.
Diegetic sound has been used in the clip as the sound is coming from the environment around the scene such as the fire you can hear the paper burning, the hand throwing the paper in the fire. There hasn’t been any voice over or soundtracks being used in this particular clip this also creates an dramatic affect.
Mainly close ups and big close ups have been used in this clip this makes it seem more striking because it leaves the viewers stuck onto the props that have been zoomed in on making them watch more carefully, no medium and long shots have been used. Panning was also used for the camera movements as the camera followed actions from side to side.
Not much editing has been used in this clip I have noticed that a jump cut was used so that the viewer’s attention is forced to focus on another part. This also makes this part seem appealing and that it gives a sense of drama in the scene.
How film trailers are used to attract an audience.
What aspects of the film are emphasised in the trailer? Why do you think this is?
The actiosn that are being used are emphasised in the trailer you can see this from the body language that the actors are using and not only that but also the soundtrack that is being used in the background including the voiceovers.
How is the genre of the film established in the film trailer?
The genre of the film is established in the film trailer through the sound that is being placed as the director has chosen to use Chirstmas carols and this makes the trailer seem jolly linking is back to the genre. Not only that but also the body language of the actors as they seem to be more relaxed you can also tell by the costumes and make-up as they seem like normal people so that the viewers can relate to the situation going on in the film. High-Key lighting has also been used this lighting is normally used in comedy and romance films so that they are setting the scene of the film. This particular film is Comedy and with all these aspects you can tell what the genre is through the trailer.
From the information you see/ hear on screen who are the target audience of this film and how do you know?
From the information that i have been given from the trailer through what i am seeing and hearing i can tell that the target audience for this film are looked to be teenagers and onwards i think this because they are more likely to understand what is going on and not only that but it is also because of the genre of the film.
How does the trailer show that this film is worth coming to see?
The trailer shows that the film is worth coming to watch because of the scenes that have been used in the trailer as they have decided to use the funny clips to make it seem intresting not only that but the director has also put aside what the film will be about and how the narrative will adapt making the film worth coming to see.
Conventions of the Film.
*Several camera framings used.
*Sound being used such as Non diegetic sound.
*Editing shots
*Release date
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Analysis of four still images